Blocs app library
Blocs app library

blocs app library

  • Firebase Auth - A Web, Mobile Firebase Auth Plugin, by Rody Davis.

  • Bloc Code Generator - A code generator that makes working with bloc easier, by Adson Leal.
  • Bloc.js - A port of the bloc state management library from Dart to JavaScript, by Felix Angelov.
  • Learn more at the following links, which have been contributed by the community.

    blocs app library

  • VSCode - extends VSCode with support for the Bloc library and provides tools for effectively creating Blocs for both Flutter and AngularDart apps.
  • IntelliJ - extends IntelliJ/Android Studio with support for the Bloc library and provides tools for effectively creating Blocs for both Flutter and AngularDart apps.
  • It covers the bloc package (version 6.0.3) in all flavors: bloc, flutter_bloc hydrated_bloc, replay_bloc, bloc_test and cubit.
  • Flutter Complete Reference - A book about the Dart programming language (version 2.10, with null safety support) and the Flutter framework (version 1.20).

  • firestore todos tutorial with flutter_bloc - How to create a todos app using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages that integrates with cloud firestore.
  • flutter timer tutorial with flutter_bloc - How to create a timer app using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • blocs app library

  • firebase login tutorial with flutter_bloc - How to create a fully functional login/sign up flow using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages with Firebase Authentication and Google Sign In.
  • todos app tutorial with flutter_bloc - How to build a todos app using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • weather app tutorial with flutter_bloc - How to build a weather app which supports dynamic theming, pull-to-refresh, and interacting with a REST API using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • code sharing with bloc - How to share code between a mobile application written with Flutter and a web application written with AngularDart.
  • infinite list tutorial with flutter_bloc - How to create an infinite list using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • unit testing with bloc - How to unit test the blocs created in the flutter login tutorial.

    login tutorial with flutter_bloc - How to create a full login flow using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.bloc package - An intro to the bloc package with high level architecture and examples.Github Search - an example of how to create a Github Search Application and share code between Flutter and AngularDart.Github Search - an example of how to create a Github Search Application using the bloc and angular_bloc packages.Counter - an example of how to use a CounterBloc in an AngularDart app.I/O Photo Booth - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages to create a virtual photo booth web app - made for Google I/O 2021.Fluttersaurus - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages to create a thesaurus app - made for Bytconf Flutter 2020.GraphQL - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages with graphql to retrieve data from.Wizard - an example of how to build a multi-step wizard using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.

    blocs app library

  • Dynamic Form - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages to implement a dynamic form which pulls data from a repository.
  • Shopping Cart - an example of how to create a Shopping Cart Application using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages based on flutter samples.
  • Timer - an example of how to create a Timer using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • Todos - an example of how to create a Todos Application using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • The app uses a RefreshIndicator to implement "pull-to-refresh" as well as dynamic theming.
  • Weather - an example of how to create a Weather Application using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • Github Search - an example of how to create a Github Search Application using the bloc and flutter_bloc packages.
  • Firebase Login - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages to implement login via Firebase.
  • Login Flow - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages to implement a Login Flow.
  • Infinite List - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages to implement an infinite scrolling list.
  • Complex List - an example of how to manage a list of items and asynchronously delete items one at a time using bloc and flutter_bloc.

    Bloc with Stream - an example of how to hook up a bloc to a Stream and update the UI in response to data from the Stream.Form Validation - an example of how to use the bloc and flutter_bloc packages to implement form validation.Counter - an example of how to create a CounterBloc to implement the classic Flutter Counter app.Counter - an example of how to create a CounterBloc (pure dart).

    Blocs app library